Delaware Greenways (DGI) is a statewide, community-based organization, specializing in natural and scenic resource protection and sustainable land use to improve quality of life and promote healthy and active lifestyles.

Delaware Greenways has been a leader in the development and management of byways, greenways, and trails for almost a quarter century. The organization began with an emphasis on preservation of valuable landscapes and establishment and designation of state scenic byways. Since then, Delaware Greenways has established and currently oversees the management of three of the state’s byways, numerous multi-use trails and linkages across the state, and we have expanded the scope of our work to cover community economic development, community wellness, eco-tourism and locally grown foods programs. We believe that the addition of these, our most recent initiatives, will help further our community focused mission of protecting community resources and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Why it’s important
Ensuring that our valuable environmental resources are protected, that our favorite places remain for all to enjoy, and that our communities function in a sustainable way is increasingly important. Economic fluctuations, natural events, and population change are constantly putting pressure on our communities. Delaware Greenways is committed to stopping sprawling, unmanaged development that eats up our dollars and resources, threatens our environment, and is linked to obesity and chronic disease. We work with stakeholders at all levels and through many avenues–from policy making and advocacy, to education and grassroots efforts, to community-based projects–to create more livable, enjoyable communities. With planning and guidance we can help shape balanced communities that thrive on sustaining their natural and social assets and a healthy economy.