Governor Jack Markell, building upon his plan to expand Delawares bicycle and trails network, released his proposed FY 2013 budget on January 26, 2012. The budget proposes $13.3 million to be used to expand bicycle and pedestrian trails throughout the state. This level of funding is a 90 percent increase (from $7 million to $13.3 million.) Visit the First State Trails and Pathways website for the most current updates on this exciting initative!

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources (DNREC) currently has a survey online. We encourage all our members and friends to fill out this online survey to let our collective voices be heard.

The Governors plan for the expansion of the states trail network, the First State Trails and Pathways Plan, was announced during the Delaware Bike Summit on October 14, 2011. The Trails and Pathways Plan will improve bicycling and pedestrian experiences throughout the state. Four major projects of note include:

Delaware Greenways has been involved in the conceptual development of the Wilmington New Castle Industrial Track Greenway and the Lewes Georgetown Trail, and we are also busy advocating for trails and bike/ped routes in communities throughout the state. Our organization supports greenways and trails as integral to healthy communities, a strong economy, and an efficient and fair transportation system and we applaud the Governor for making this a priority. Delaware Greenways looks forward to working with the State, local communities, and other partners to make sure the vision becomes reality.

For More Information Regarding the First State Trails and Pathways Plan and the Governors Budget:

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