Delaware Greenways was organized in the early 1990’s during a land conservation movement, which resulted in the creation of the Northern Delaware Greenway Trail. Our advocacy for trails – and scenic byways has continued since then.
By creating trail connections, we are opening safe bicycle and pedestrian travel for recreation and transportation. Needs we found even greater in 2020, and today, then ever before. Our byways provide a way for travelers to take routes that allow exploration of each city and town along the way. Time spent discovering these roads less traveled, enriches all who travel them.
Our work is done collaboratively and in partnership with communities, organizations and agencies to:
As we promote the State’s trails, pathways, and byways, we are strengthened by diverse and inclusive thinking that can only come through different faces and life experiences. Delaware Greenways will take intentional action in conducting its business to create and support projects, activities, funding, partnerships, staff, and collaborations that will enrich the diverse communities we seek to serve.
Byway Program Support:
Interested in helping others live healthier lives? Join our team! Currently, there are no staff positions open, but consider volunteering on one of our committees or our Board. Email Mary Roth to inquire.
About Delaware Greenways:
We envision a State where trails, pathways and scenic corridors connect everyone to where they want to go, empowering them to live healthier lives as they discover and enjoy the outdoors.