Milford-Slaughter Beach Shared Use Feasibility Study Public Workshop
Learn the alternatives being considered for a shared-use pathway between the towns of Milford and Slaughter Beach.
Folks will be able to take the survey while on the trail on specific dates and locations (see below), or electronically, through this survey link. If you’re in the area, make sure to come out and see us!
Survey results along with recommendations will be widely available, encouraging trail user groups, municipalities, government agencies and the public to consider sound trail safety, etiquette, and maintenance programs.
Social media comments, letters to the editor and various other communications often highlight trail user experiences both positive and negative. Our goal, through data collection, will be to identify specific barriers that may keep this popular trail from providing an enjoyable, safe experience for all ages and abilities. Working collaboratively with others, we look forward to implementing programs to reduce barriers. Working together we can make our trails safe and enjoyable for all.
Time of Day:
More than 800 surveys were completed(!), and we are now analyzing the responses. A report will be distributed with conclusions and recommendations in the coming weeks. Check back here for updates!
Thank you to all who took time to complete the survey, and extra special thanks to our dedicated volunteers on the trails gathering surveys and sharing QR codes. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Not familiar with this southern Delaware trail? Learn about it on our trail page! Georgetown-Lewes Trail
Volunteer an hour or two to help with the Georgetown-Lewes Trail Survey!
We’re looking for volunteers to help us engage trail users at each location. If interested, please fill out and submit this form.
Learn the alternatives being considered for a shared-use pathway between the towns of Milford and Slaughter Beach.
About Delaware Greenways:
We envision a State where trails, pathways and scenic corridors connect everyone to where they want to go, empowering them to live healthier lives as they discover and enjoy the outdoors.