Delaware Greenways’ stewardship of the Historic Lewes Byway, Gateway to the Bayshore is a commitment to the projects and programs outlined in comprehensive management plans. As the route’s guiding principles, these plans provide a framework for:
County: Sussex
Length: 13.1
Drive Time: About 1 hour
Delaware Greenways stewardship of the Historic Lewes Byway, Gateway to the Bayshore is a commitment to the projects and programs outlined in the Corridor Management Plan (CMP), Kings Highway & Gills Neck Road, and, New Road Master Plans.
As the routes guiding principles, these plans set the framework for preservation of its natural resources and historic quality. As these intrinsic resources are preserved, we’re expanding tourism, and positively impacting economic growth. We’re working hard to provide a better quality of life for the residents and visitors of Lewes.
The Byway Management Committee, and its subcommittees are collaborative efforts involving dedicated citizens from the Greater Lewes community, City and County staff, and State agency representatives. Chaired by Mary Roth, Executive Director of Delaware Greenways, the Committee coordinates directly with the Byway Management Committee of the Delaware Bayshore Byway.
The Committee is actively seeking interested individuals to serve on its management and subcommittee. Contact Mary Roth at mroth@delawaregreenways.org.
The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) in partnership with Delaware Greenways and the Historic Lewes Byway is conducting a project to draft a master plan for Savannah Road in and around Lewes in Sussex County. The study will look at current and future needs along Savannah Road and create a future vision for the corridor that aims to enhance the experience of all road users while maintaining the unique and valued character of this important part of the Lewes Byway. This is the last master plan needed for each major corridor of the Historic Lewes Byway before DelDOT addresses Five Points intersection. The master plan will be used to inform and guide decision-making regarding land use and development while identifying improvements for funding consideration.
The project study area is approximately 3.25 miles in length and runs from Five Points in the west to the Lewes Beach in the east. Savannah Road is a two-lane undivided road with a posted speed limit of between 25 and 35 mph. Along its length, Savannah Road exhibits a range of characteristics including seaside beach, downtown, and suburban settings. A portion of the road is contained within the City of Lewes and the remainder in unincorporated Sussex County.
The Management Committee works to ensure that the intrinsic qualities of this southern Delaware byway, are preserved, encouraging tourism and economic growth.
The Five Points Transportation Study (the Study) has been a joint effort, developed by DelDOT and Sussex County, to examine potential improvements to the area around the Five Points intersection near Lewes. Learn more about the study, project timeline, and view documents, on DelDOT’S project page.
Ten years ago the Kings Highway and Gills Neck Corridors were inundated with major development proposals:
Simultaneously, the Historic Lewes Byway Committee completed the Corridor Management Plan for Kings Highway and Gills Neck Road:
Yet the CMP recognized the impending development and recommended that the style of the development in the corridor reflect character of Lewes and be walkable and bikeable.
The byway is currently marked via logo signage to clearly indicate the Historic Byway designation.
If you live, play or work in Lewes, and navigate the city by bicycle or on foot, your outings likely have safety or connection challenges. Motorists navigating around bicyclists and walkers see issues as well.
The Lewes Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, which Delaware Greenways’ executive director, Mary Roth, chairs, has been actively working with DelDOT on a comprehensive bike master plan. The final version is expected by June 30, 2024. View the Draft Bike Plan. Your comments can be submitted through June 28, 2024.
The City of Lewes has put together a helpful guide for bicyclists and pedestrians. Getting Around Lewes.
Stay tuned for more information.
Stay tuned for more information.
About Delaware Greenways:
We envision a State where trails, pathways and scenic corridors connect everyone to where they want to go, empowering them to live healthier lives as they discover and enjoy the outdoors.