Delaware Bayshore Byway Awarded FHWA Grant
Federal funding to improve, increase, and broaden the use of non-motorized travel, recreation options and offered amenities.
Home » Milford-Slaughter Beach Shared Use Feasibility Study Public Workshop
DATE: Wednesday, March 19th
TIME: 4:00pm – 6:00pm
LOCATION: Milford Public Works, 180 Vickers Drive, Milford (Google Maps)
Attend this public workshop being held by the City of Milford, Town of Slaughter Beach and the Dover Kent Metropolitan Planning Organization to provide an overview of public feedback from the Fall 2024 study, and a summary of alternatives to consider.
The Milford-Slaughter Beach Shared Use Path Feasibility Study will assess the feasibility and develop a conceptual design for a shared use path that connects the City of Milford with the Town of Slaughter Beach. A shared use path will provide people walking, biking, and rolling, with a new transportation connection and a regional recreational amenity that will encourage ecotourism in the area.
This study is being funded by a U.S. DOT Thriving Communities Grant which the City of Milford and Town of Slaughter Beach won with support from the UD Institute of Public Administration Grant Assistance Program. The Dover/Kent County Metropolitan Planning Organization is administering the grant funds on behalf of Milford and Slaughter Beach. The grant requires the feasibility study to be complete by June 2, 2025.
Visit the DelDOT Interact website page for more information.
Federal funding to improve, increase, and broaden the use of non-motorized travel, recreation options and offered amenities.
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We envision a State where trails, pathways and scenic corridors connect everyone to where they want to go, empowering them to live healthier lives as they discover and enjoy the outdoors.