
Northern Delaware Greenway Trail

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10.4 mi
New Castle
Where is this Trail?

TRAIL CONDITION ALERT:  The Bancroft Pedestrian Bridge, a NDG Trail connector in Alapocas Run State Park, is out of commission and construction plans are being made for its replacement. 

Bridge Update – July 2024:

In mid-June, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) confirmed that all comments or questions received during the final design review period for the replacement bridge, have been adjudicated. DE DNREC may proceed with the approved bridge design and construction.

Requests for Proposal (RFP) submissions will be reviewed and a contractor awarded, so that the construction phase, starting with the demolition process of the damaged bridge, begins in August 2024.

Further details on the damage to the bridge, and the replacement process and timeline, can be learned through DNREC meeting presentations found below. 

Check back here and on our Facebook page for updates and public meeting notices. 

The Movement that Created a Trail - and an Organization

The Northern Delaware Greenway trail is where Delaware Greenways’ story began… In the early 1990’s, local residents in North Wilmington, actively opposed the building of a shopping mall at Rock Manor Golf Course.  Delaware Greenways was formed, and brought together a coalition of neighborhood groups, community associations, state, local and federal government agencies to plan, fund and construct the Northern Delaware Greenway Trail.  It took 25 years to complete.

The Northern Delaware Greenway Trail is the longest, oldest, existing, off-road trail in Delaware.  It’s earned the special designation of National Recreation Trail, a program which recognizes the country’s highest-caliber trails that provide recreation access to rural and urban communities, economic development through tourism, and healthy recreation opportunities. The trail also serves as Delaware’s section of the September 11th National Memorial Trail and the East Coast Greenway, whose organizations are both First State Trail Coalition members.

Details on the Northern Delaware Greenway Trail

The Northern Delaware Greenway links Bellevue State Park and Brandywine Park and the City of Wilmington through a series of trails that travel some of the most beautiful landscapes in Delaware.

  • In the lower section you’ll follow along the Brandywine River, past the Brandywine Zoo, and are offered views of dramatic rock faces and waterfalls. 
  • Important local and regional destinations can be reached from the trail; parks, historic sites, corporate business centers, schools, museums and tourist attractions.
See Info on Trailheads and Parking

Click on the highlighted trail in the interactive map below for trail information and directions.

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Below you will find meeting minutes, presentations and reports, providing updates on the bridge’s condition, and next steps forward.

Public Meeting held in April 2024: Regarding the Section 106 Review under the National Historic Preservation Act and the development of a Memorandum of Agreement for the demolition and replacement of the Bancroft Pedestrian Bridge, Alapocas Run State Park, Wilmington, New Castle, DE.  Read the entire Public Notice HERE

View the video recording and presentation slides of this meeting, which provide outlines on the historical evaluation, permit/bid/design/construct/complete process and timelines.


  • Construction to begin August 2024 (due to the bid-design-fabrication process, and the protection of the RTE Species of wildlife.)
  • Main bridge span will be 190 feet (slightly shorter than original)
  • Deck trusses will be 20 feet higher to be out of flood zone.
  • Bridge construction will be launched from south side.
  • Projected opening, April 2025.

View the video presentation, which provides extensive details on the bridge’s replacement, including study findings, build challenges and next steps toward reopening this access point to the park and trail. 


  • No wetlands will be impacted which helps process
  • All construction will be done from the north side, a logistical challenge still.
  • Study done on tree species and location. 120+ trees will have to be removed but will be replaced.
  • Repairing bridge (vs replacing) is not ruled out, BUT the current bottom clearance height makes it susceptible to future damage. New bridge clearance would be much higher.
  • Historic Arch. Eval and Section 106 for Natural Historic Registration eligibility should be wrapped up early November 2022.
  • 2 Designs will be completed after Section 106 outcome
  • Permitting – many permits required, from County to Coast Guard (longest process at 210 days).
  • FEMA process could delay but permitting can be done at the same time.
  • Demo and building restrictions during many summer and spring months due to wildlife in area (northern bats, nesting birds copper head snakes). Workers will be able to focus on other project areas during restrictions, but delays will still be likely during those months.
  • It’s not safe, practical, or possible to open the bridge in the meantime, or give it a band-aid fix to temporarily reopen.
  • NO approximate date given on bridge’s reopening, due to timing of permits, studies and other items… Without yet knowing a start month, which could have challenges in it due wildlife restrictions, it’s hard to predict that approximate completion date just yet.

View the video presentation, which outlines the findings of the engineering firm’s survey, and provides recommendations for the bridge’s future.

Also available to view, are the Public Workshop Presentation and the DNREC Alternatives Report.

Bancroft Footbridge Group

Meetings of October 27, 2021

The Director of Delaware State Parks, Raymond Bivens, met with several groups today, October 27, 2021, by Zoom meeting, to discuss the Bancroft Footbridge connecting Alapocas Run State Park to Rockford Road.  Director Ray Bivens and Matt Ritter (the State) met with Mary Roth, Executive Director of Delaware Greenway, Inc. (DGI), Jed Patterson, President of the DGI board and Gary Linarducci, Member of the DGI board. We discussed the damage to the bridge that occurred when it flooded on September 2, 2021. Mr. Bivens showed us some photos taken shortly after the flood, which showed that the bridge appeared to have been moved and some steel girders have been separated. The bridge appears to have been significantly damaged.

We asked if there was any way to temporarily open the bridge with reduced foot traffic and supervision to avoid crowding, but the State will not allow anyone on the bridge until and unless a structural engineer inspects the bridge and signs off on its safety. At this time, the engineer hired by the State said that he would have to disassemble the bridge and inspect each part of the bridge before he would sign off on it. Director Bivens advised us that this inspection process alone, before any repairs take place, would take approximately 6 months.

The two paths provided by the State are to either completely rebuild the bridge or undertake extensive repair efforts to the existing bridge.  Neither option would provide a faster timeline necessarily. DNREC did seem to lean toward building an entirely new bridge because the current bridge is too low to the river and most of the support elements of the bridge are on the bottom of the bridge. There is a good chance that if the existing bridge was repaired, it would be damaged again in future floods which may occur with more frequency.

The State obtained a report from an engineering firm, Century Engineering, which indicated that the bridge sustained substantial damage and due to the uniqueness of the steel bridge, an engineering firm that specializes in steel bridges should be consulted for this project. The State then contacted GPI [Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.] which will work on an expedited basis to study the bridge and make its recommendations.

There is an historical value to the bridge, (although the bridge is not on the Historical Register), so the State must work with the State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO).  The State will also need to determine if permits to work on the bridge will be needed from the Army Corps of Engineers due to the location over the river. Funding does not appear to be a major obstacle to fixing the bridge.  Ray said that federal funds have been secured through disaster relief money, and Senator McBride and Representative Brady have made clear a commitment to supporting this work should any future finance issues arise.

Director Bivens stressed that he understands how important this bridge is to the communities in this area, and that the reopening of the bridge has been a priority of the State Department of Parks since its damage by Hurricane Ida, and that his office is proceeding as quickly as possible. He agreed to keep us informed about the progress on the bridge and he agreed to some type of town hall meeting with the public, probably by Zoom.

After Director Bivens met with the DGI delegation, the State met with our elected officials: Senator McBride, Representative Brady and Representative Griffith.  Councilman Field had a prior commitment and was unable to attend today’s Zoom meeting with the officials from State Parks. The officials discussed many of the same issues described above with our elected officials. The State sent an email to our representative with a summary of the discussions they had today. A copy of the email is found below. [in drop-down]

At 2:30 today, Senator McBride, Representative Brady, Denison Hatch, HCA [Highlands Community Association] President, Jed Patterson and I met again to discuss our next steps. We agreed to set up a town hall meeting, through Highlands Community Association.  HCA and DGI will also publicize the efforts being made to reopen the bridge as soon as it can safely be done.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Linarducci

From: Patterson, Gregory B. (DNREC) <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 2:34:57 PM
To: Brady, Gerald (LegHall) <>; McBride, Sarah (LegHall) <>; Griffith, Krista (LegHall) <>; <>
Cc: Garvin, Shawn M. (DNREC) <>; Bivens, Raymond E. (DNREC) <>
Subject: Summary of information re Bancroft Bridge

Senator and Representatives and Councilman – Here is a summary of our discussion this morning. I will send the Century Engineering report by separate email – it is a large file so let me know if you do not receive it soon after this one. 

  • Damage to the Bancroft walking bridge is serious and substantial and includes significant bowing and leaning of the bridge structure, some iron support members detached from each other, sheared bolts, and a bridge support that has shifted on the concrete/stone base. This damage, and previous conditions from wear and tear as well, is documented in a report from Century Engineering done days after the storm, which I am sending you.
  • Following the initial inspection and closure by Parks staff engineer, the assessment by Century Engineering that the damage was substantial enough to maintain the closure and bring a firm with expertise in steel bridges for a much more detailed assessment. That firm has conducted onsite visits, submitted a proposal this week for a feasibility study, and that proposal has already been approved.
  • This feasibility study by Greenman-Pederson, Inc.(GPI) will assess options and costs for both repair and replacement of the bridge. The feasibility study will be completed in January or before. GPI is under contract with DelDOT for Bridge and Structure repair services which expedited getting them on board.  
  • DNREC is committed to replacing or repairing the bridge as it is a vital route of access to the park. It was submitted as part of the public assistance damage assessment to the federal government, which was approved by the President earlier this week, so that will be the source of most of the funding, and meetings with DEMA for storm damage items are happening next week to formalize the requests.
  • When assessing the options, DNREC will view the need to have a bridge in this location that will not be subject to or damaged to similar flooding events in the future, which are likely. The height or the current bridge and the support structure underneath it is not ideal given future funding, but both repair and replacement options will be evaluated and shared with the public.
  • Regarding repair: There are no plans or drawings of the current bridge that can be used to calculate its strength or assist in repair plans. Repair  will require measuring each member (steel columns, beams, bracing, rods, rivets, and bolts) in order to recreate it within design software, determine which pieces must be replaced versus kept, and what the strength of the bridge would be when complete. Just this portion of the repair process – getting to a design for the repair, not the repair itself — could take as much as six months, DNREC has been told.
  • Regarding replacement: Options will be provided for construction of a new bridge or possible use of an existing bridge if a suitable one can be found (a surplus bridge from another state was procured and use in a project at Auburn Valley State Park).  
  • Additional considerations:
    • The existing bridge is historic and the repair or replacement option chosen will need the approval of the State Historic Preservation Office. 
    • Permits may be required from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers based on what will need to be done to piers/supports in the river. 
    • An unused sewage pipe alongside the bridge support piers (seen in photos) has collapsed and may need to be addressed. 
    • To accomplish repair or replacement, access to the site by a crane – either from the condo side where there is currently construction or from the park side where a crane would need to maneuver over two creeks and along a trail – will be challenging.
  • Given the severe nature of the damage, no quick fix of the current bridge, even for reduced capacity, can be responsibly done and assured to be safe. A temporary bridge at Bancroft or new bridge in another spot on the river would require as much cost and time as addressing the Bancroft bridge.
  • Given all the factors discussed, this is a complex project that, even utilizing an accelerated time frame compared to normal projects, will take considerable time to assess options, choose an option and implement it. The project is likely to take into 2023 but we are looking at all avenues to shorten the timeline.  

Hope that is helpful, and we will continue to stay in contact with you. 

[Greg Patterson, DNREC Secretary Garvin’s Chief of Staff]

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