
First State Trails Coalition

Outside Mag: Wilmington is Happy!

“What constitutes a happy town? It comes down to things like ample outdoor access for all, affordability, a safe environment, diversity, and freedom for residents to be who they are.”

Bancroft Bridge Project Update Meeting

Attend a virtual meeting, hosted by the DNREC Division of Parks and Recreation, that will provide updates on the Bancroft Bridge in New Castle County.

Bancroft Bridge Update Meeting

Attend a virtual meeting, hosted by the Division of Parks and Recreation that will provide updates on the status of the Bancroft Bridge.

FTND Member Leads Crosswalk Placement

Millcreek Neighbors for Safer Pathways, and other supporters, celebrate the new, and much needed pedestrian signal crosswalk at Rt 41 and Millcreek/Hercules Road.

FSTC Trail Amenity Grant Recipients Announced

First State Trails Coalition* is pleased to announce the recipients of the Trails Amenity Grant! Trail users want more than trails. Having different amenities goes a long way to create […]

FST Coalition Meeting – Jan 2021

The Future Trails of Northern Delaware Coalition met virtually on January 28, 2021, to go over a variety of items involving its current and future work. Main topics included: 2021 […]

FST Coalition Meeting – Oct 2020

The Future Trails of Northern Delaware Coalition met virtually on October 29, 2020, to go over a variety of items involving its current and future work. The Steering Committee’s survey […]

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