
Claymont to Fox Point

The Claymont to Fox Point State Park/Northern Delaware Greenway Trail, a component of the Governor Printz Blvd Corridor Study, is a significant addition to the growing trail network in Delaware. The trail will also serve as a section of both the East Coast Greenway and the 9-11 National Memorial Trail.

Length:       9 mi
Surface:      Mixed
Difficulty:   Easy

Trail Map
Where is the Trail?
  • The importance of the Claymont to Fox Point State Park and the Northern Delaware Greenway Trail has been discussed for more than a decade, first proposed by then Representative David Ennis.
  • Delaware leads the East Coast Greenway as one of the states with the most completed off-road sections of the Maine to Florida route.
  • Thanks to substantial investments by the State of Delaware in the redevelopment of Claymont, the recent proposals for a new port facility at the site of the former Edgemoor Chemical Plant, and the publication of the Blueprint for a Bicycle Friendly Delaware – the new Statewide Bicycle Policy Plan – it’s time to begin planning this critical trail link.
Trail Image

Project Details


  • Extends from the Pennsylvania line in Claymont to Edgemoor Road about five miles to the south.
  • About four miles south of Claymont the Northern Delaware Greenway Trail branches to the west through numerous state and county parks.
  • The East Coast Greenway considers the shoulders of Governor Printz Boulevard to be the trail but classifies this section as not up to their desired standards of an off road route. Further,
  • Delaware Greenways highlights this project with the belief that it will benefit the communities along its route, bring value to the substantial public investments in Claymont, at Fox Point State Park and in Edgemoor.
  • In short, this trail will connect people to their industrial heritage, and demonstrate that industrial uses can co-exist with nature as it educates us about the benefits of active living while we enjoy the outdoors.

Key Connections:

  • Claymont area to Fox Point State Park
  • Claymont area to Northern Delaware Greenway Trail and the City of Wilmington
  • East Coast Greenway to Northern Delaware Greenway Trail via an off road pathway

Unique Challenges Addressed by the Project:

  • The East Coast Greenway considers the shoulders of Governor Printz Boulevard to be the trail but classifies this section as not up to their desired standards of an off road route.
  • Governor Printz Boulevard – recently reconstructed after the completion of a sewer project –  does not meet DelDOT’s Complete Streets Policy as it has no sidewalk for most of the length between Claymont and Edgemoor.

“[The Claymont to Fox Point and Northern Delaware trail will provide]…front door access to a bicycle network that is safe, comfortable and conveniently connected to places people want to go…”

Project Status


Trail Idea Accepted

Fundraising for Planning Study

Planning Study Complete

Project Fundraising

Project Design Complete

Construction Complete

  • Under the Wilmington Area Planning Council’s FY 2020 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP), $50,000 has been identified to complete a Governor Printz Boulevard Corridor Study. “The Governor Printz Boulevard Corridor Study will identify multimodal improvements including transit improvements, a potential for a road diet as well as a trail connecting Claymont to Fox Point/Northern Delaware (FY2020 UPWP).”
  • The construction of the $71 million Claymont Regional Transportation Center project is underway through support of a $10 million TIGER grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation as well as additional funding from the State of Delaware.
  • The Claymont Regional Transportation Center project is estimated to be complete by fall 2021.
  • On January 29, 2020 the first GPB Visioning Public Workshop was held to gain input from the public on the entire Governor Printz Corridor, which will include this important trail connection. Those that stopped by shared what they felt was important to include in the corridor project, if they would use it for recreation or commuting, and whether by bike, foot, bus or car. Wilmington Area Planning Council’s (WILMAPCO) published summary of all written comments from the survey can be read here.
  • The 2nd GPB Public Workshop was held on Monday, September 21, 2020. An overview of the existing conditions was provided, and options to improve the corridor for multi-modal use were presented.  Participants were able to give feedback on the roadway options through a survey, that was open for public input through October 21, 2020.
  • Progress on the study was shared with the public at an Open House Workshop on May 4, 2023. View the Governor Printz Blvd Corridor Study Monitoring Report. The North Claymont Area Master Plan considers important components specific to the North Claymont community, adjacent to the GPB corridor.
  • View the North Claymont and Governor Printz Blvd Area 2024 Monitoring Addendum
  • Follow us on Facebook or check back here for other updates.

Current Stakeholders

These dedicated partners are committed to moving the project forward.

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